Tuckahoe Sports (TSI) is proud to host live softball and baseball Zoom events at this time. These 45-minute virtual events are free and open to the first 100 participants who join the Zoom call at the time of the event. We are working to load the recorded Zoom calls here for those that were not …
5 Tips for Baseball Tryouts
Tuckahoe Sports (TSI) just announced dates for its 2020 Baseball and Softball Tryouts in Central Virginia. Tryouts are a valuable experience for any young athlete and we hope you decide to register your son or daughter for one of the upcoming TSI tryout dates. To help you prepare for an upcoming tryout, here are 5 …
RVA Baseball & Softball EXPO
In partnership with the Tidewater Cards and Collectibles Show Free and Open to the Public! Saturday, February 29, 2020 | 9am – 2pm • Technology • Vendors • Prizes • Merchandise • Instruction • Sports Memorabilia The first 250 people at this year’s Expo will be entered in a raffle with a chance to …
USA Community Clinics | For Baseball & Softball Coaches
Tuckahoe Sports (TSI) and the Virginia Baseball Coaches Association are excited to host a USA Baseball Ace Community Clinic on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 from 6 to 9 PM at the Tuckahoe Sports Training Center. This is a FREE clinic and open to any baseball/softball coaches at any level. For more information, please visit the …
USA Community Clinics | For Baseball & Softball CoachesRead More
Speed and Agility Training: Is it Really Needed in Sports?
SPEED AND AGILITY TRAINING: IS IT REALLY NEEDED IN SPORTS? Speed is hands down the most coveted athletic tool in all of sports. If you think about it, nearly every sport has changed drastically over the past several decades. The games of baseball and softball have evolved to the point that speed is no longer …
Speed and Agility Training: Is it Really Needed in Sports?Read More
4 Key Lessons for Baseball (and Softball) Catchers
On Monday January 20th, 2020, Tuckahoe Sports was proud to host the Firm Foundation Catching Camp with former Major League Player Danny Sheaffer and his son David, a minor league player from the Seattle Mariners organization. Danny played 8 years in the big leagues, managed in the minor leagues, and was a MLB Catching Coordinator. He …
Speed and Agility Classes Begin Feb 5
Tuckahoe Sports (TSI) is excited to partner with Bon Secours Physical Therapy and Sports Performance to bring you Speed and Agility Classes beginning Wednesday, February 5th! Prepare for your upcoming baseball or softball season with the professional Bon Secours training staff, and improve your footwork, speed, and overall athleticism. Classes will be taught by a …
Get To Know Jim Leyritz
Get excited! Two-time World Series Champion, Jim Leyritz will be this year’s special guest and speaker at the 2020 Lead-Off Banquet! During this very special event, you will have the opportunity to shake hands, have your photo taken, and get Jim Leyritz’s autograph. About Jim Leyritz Jim Leyritz is a former professional baseball catcher and …